Koramangala to HSR Layout
Looking for info on BMTC buses from Koramangala to HSR Layout. New in the city, couldn't find an updated timetable on the internet. Any locals or regulars on this route able to share details?

You can try this app called tummoc. Gives you pretty accurate details of bus and metro routes

I travel to office everyday in the same route. Rapido bike costs 45-50 bucks. I take that. There are hardly any buses and vayu vajra would almost cost the same + walk to the bus stops

I take 342-F/342-H or G2 to reach Agara bus stop. Post that you can catch the HSR feeder bus to reach your preferred spots.

So you are daily travelling through bus?

Yes. Later, I got a cycle and I cycle 7-8km to work & to run errands, hit the gym, etc. Often I just walk back home as office is just 3.8km away.

Come near sony signal and take any vayu vajra from there most of them go to BDA comolex
Or better take rapido or auto its pretty less distance

Do they stop at sony signal? Like I was checking out there today, but they were not stopping the nearby sony signal. (Maybe I am looking in the wrong place)