Weekend Getaway from Blr
Any suggestions for a weekend getaway for a day trip from Blr. Anything that can conveniently be reached via public transport.
Looking to travel for 3-4 days starting with Independence Day. Finding it difficult to finalize a spot given unfavourable weather conditions in many places.
Okay with moderate rainfall type places. Travelling from BLR, with a small friend group. Please please suggest good spots.
I just saw a reel where there was a traffic jam at Nandi Hills at 5AM in the morning. And the traffic barely even moved. Irony is , you think you'll beat the crowd if you go there early , but you end up being a part of the crowd.
Any suggestions for a weekend getaway for a day trip from Blr. Anything that can conveniently be reached via public transport.
Please suggest places I can visit on 31st and 1st. I only have two days of holiday and do not want to spend it all alone in Bangalore. Also would appreciate if you all can suggest any groups/ Instagram accounts/ companies who have such p...
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