Meta Layoffs (Biz)
Dodged another bullet and survived another layoffs! But it's a total bloodbath and teams were ripped apart. Lost 5 team members including my manager!
It's not gonna be an easy path ahead. Things look pretty uncertain. Team shuffles, manager to IC conversion and new remit!

How is work happening during such bloodbath? How are you guys even motivated to go to office and work?

At this point I have losty complete motivation to be a software developer or engineer. I believe to be even selected in the first place you guys are like miles ahead of me and you guys are getting laid off. I've lost HOPE

Some really high profile people it seems

Is renaming facebook to Meta a disaster as hopes of metaverse taking off seems bleak and looks like Meta is pulling out investment from it?

Interestingly was just thinking about this in the morning Still don’t feel Meta was the right rebranding
And feel weird saying Facebook now given the product is irrelevant to me

The company has already hit the peak. Now it's on the downward path hahaha! But zukc created it once, he can do it twice too!

In India?