
Multiple demat accounts from same PAN

For exploring different investment apps, every app asks to create a new demat account. So is it advisable to create multiple accounts under the same PAN? Any issues in future that I might face?

Any way to use groww demat account in zerodha?

12mo ago
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You can create as many accounts as you want. Just one per PAN per provider.

You'll be defeated on portfolio visibility though.

I'd suggest a maximum of 2 - one to invest, one to trade (if you do). If you just invest you only need one.

You cannot view a demat account from other providers. You can of course transfer your holdings.


You can create multiple demat accounts from a single PAN.

You can track your all your demat accounts in apps like IndMoney.

only possible issues,

  1. Please only apply for IPOs from single demat account. if you do from multiple demats with same PAN, your application will be rejected.

  2. annual AMC of multiple brokers to be borne


I'm using Groww, if you have any questions related to MF experience, i can help.

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