Groww taking over Zerodha in terms of monthly active investors
I know Zerodha is still the sustainable one of the two; but definitely good execution this from Groww? Do any of you use Groww? Or is it folks in tier 2/tier 3 and college students?
Zerodha was flexing a lot about their less developers working on things, their expenses and their profit. Groww on the other side added so many features and continues to do so. I hardly see anything on Zerodha Kite, no US investment, no MFs, no money tracking etc
Because its not needed, traders are happy with existing features on Zerodha, why would they make a khichdi out of it by adding everything.
Hard agree. Zerodha is very confusing for average users. And unfortunately rather than improving they are just flexing about 100s other unrelated things.
- u can’t buy SGB on app
- u can’t sell stocks without physically sending them a letter
And there are so many other issues.
Huge opportunities for new age apps to dethrone it.
I invest in stocks on Zerodha and invest in MFs on Groww. Tons of folks I know do the same. The day Zerodha gets into this space, things might be different... :)
Groww has users only because of its huge marketing spree. Groww is still in losses and everyone knows the PnL of Zerodha. Zerodha still miles ahead of Groww atleast for the next few years.
Trust on Zerodha is second to none when compared to other brokers out there. And that too especially among the big traders who contribute a large chunk of their total revenue.
here, the active investor for Groww might be mainly mutual fund investors from whom Groww doesn't get any revenue.... For Zerodha it's stock market investors who generate revenue for Zerodha