My Story: Bangalore's Trans asking me for money ⚧️
So I walk back from work everyday. I work at Razorpay so I live nearby and save on commute costs by walking.
Near Forum Mall, I have noticed that often times there are members of the trans community who force you to pay money to them. Even if you try to ignore them they will grope your private parts and sexually harass you by calling you names. I do not usually carry cash, so they asked me to pay Rs. 500.
I ddenied and after negotiating sent them Rs. 120 via GPay. I do not want to pay, is it like some unofficial toll tax?
One time, I even saw them chasing someone who was trying to run away from them. They literally lifted their saree and exposed themselves to the entire mall while running.
I am generally very respectful to them and have worked for NGO Projects for their community. But I feel that recently this has become a major problem within the city. I have noticed them harassing people everywhere now. From Red Lights to outside Malls.
I have complained to Forum Mall frontdesk but they refuse to do anything.
Stay Safe people.

This is a problem all across Bangalore. I live near MG Road and its much worse out here. I stopped taking ricks and only take cabs or my personal vehicle now so that I can avoid these circumstances

@VioletMovie especially if you are with your +1, it becomes embarassing

Violence is not an option

I was travelling from office to home and in kormangala trans insisted me to give money while I had no cash like fool I said I have only gpay they forcefully stopped auto but me scan the qr code and trans entered the amount while I was trying to transfer I was so scared 😭😭 i was literally looted horrible it was

Made me scan the qr code **

So they chose violence with private weapon

This is why never promote these people and empower them with money in signals etc when they come near your vehicle.
A community is ostracised community only when they are a minority. The moment their number increases switch is flipped other way around 😔

True, once I was stopped by one of them in Chickpet market, they grabbed me by my hair. I somehow managed to untangle their hands off my hair.
Since it was a very crowded area, they had to leave me.

Don't look rich, or that you are well off, ignore them from afar , have an unapproachable attitude, carry cash to give them

I have also faced it at Koramangala 1st block signal, my friend who was new to bangalore took out his wallet to pay some money and they snatched 2x500 rs notes from his wallet. When asked to return they didn't return and started calling out by names and touching. From that day onwards I stay away from them especially near koramangala.

I just accept my fate and try to walk away, if they grope (happened once) I can't do anything so I just accept that and move on.