Planning to move to blr, salary: 35k/mnth
Hi guys! I am planning to move to blr but i hear the rent situation is really bad. Can someone suggest what are some areas that I should look into ? I don't need to travel a lot as I work for a fully remote startup. Any suggestions?
Fully remote and want to move to Bangalore, why if i may ask?
I live with my parents rn, i want to move out and see how it is being independent and all. Bangalore being the centre of everything IT feels like a good option...
If your parents are not toxic, don't move. I was able to save almost all my salary when I was doing WFH. Now paying rent makes me cry
I've read all the comments made in the past 15h of the creation of this post.
My suggestion would be to move only when you have crossed the 50k/mo threshold. Blr is way expensive bruh! 🤌🏻
Save money and stay with your parents
dont move