
Product Analyst, APM role

Looking for transition to Product Management domain after 7 years experience in various roles, where can I get real time experience of product manager any suggestions please, because product management joining would be life time opportunity for me now, someone please suggest

19mo ago
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I would like to first understand how and why would it be a lifetime opportunity?

Best way to get experience is in your current organization usually. To target projects where you can lead the way in both technical and business based perspectives and move numbers.

If you switch to another company for PM, chances of failure are high since you might not get the learning curve.


In the current organisation there is no such opportunity already tried for it multiple times and said as lifetime opportunity as i realised which area I would like to work after experience multiple roles and what is my mindset and what are responsibilities of PM both are in sync !!


Then it is sorted. Go for it. If you want to transition, try to reach out to someone who is a transitioned PM (Coming from a senior role to PM)

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