Salary expectation for QA
How much salary I should ask from amdocs for QA profile , currently having 3 yoe and 4.2 LPA current salary.
What is the QA salary range in amdocs for lateral with 3 yoe in automation testing.
Easily between 10lpa to 15lpa
How much salary I should ask from amdocs for QA profile , currently having 3 yoe and 4.2 LPA current salary.
What should be the expected salary range for QA with 4 years of experience with the below skill set but no automation testing experience?
Skill set: Manual testing , Performance Testing, Database testing, API testing
Explicitly work...
How much salary is expected for 10 yrs exp in QA profile having 5+ exp in automation?
I have 3 years of experience as a QA. Mostly i have worked as manual tester but I have learnt API automation using postman and I have also implement this skill in my project. Currently I’m learning Selenium. How much can I ask if I plan ...