Let's try to poke holes:
Children who dream a lot, also don't do homework and don't get straight As and don't go to Ivy league colleges and don't become CS software grads who code for OpenAI/ Nvidia and don't become millionaires by 30
Introverts become good thinkers but also become overthinkers, overthinking about everything, afraid to take the plunge to ask people out; Overthink about their relationships and as a result lose great relationships. Also, introverts never become sales people and it's the sales people that become face of companies and CEOs and millionaires by 30.
Did all of what I said true? No.
Did all of what you said true? No
We generalized basis few anecdotal examples.
If it was so easy to make people smart, there would be books about it.
I don't know what "smart" even means. It's such a vague term. Is IQ a benchmark of smartness? Is salary? Is wealth? Is role/status?
Some Introverts are also smart. Some Extroverts are also smart. Children who don't touch technology in early formative years also become smart. Children who start to code at 10 also become smart.
Magnus Carlsen, whose father got him into chess at 5, and used chess engines all his life, is also smart.
Gukesh, who never used chess engines till 15, and will probably become the youngest chess world champion in the world, is also smart.