Boss 1.1Lac of SIP?! How much you make post tax every month?
Will recommend just one change - get out of Axis AMC and pick any other in the same league. Google to see why Axis AMC is not the right choice
One other approach I would suggest is to look at underlying stocks in the instrument. I fear you have a high overlap. 60%+ would be BFSI stocks, there would be very less consumer, infra. Second is pick index with less expense ratio so in your case I would do Nifty50 instead of Blue chip funds and cut down on exposure from it to add Mirae asset great consumer or infra theme
I'm stuck with an ELSS fund of 3 year lock-in by Axis AMC. What to do about it?
Bhai salary to bta apni, suspense mei maarega kya hmein
Tf how u afford this? What’s ur base ?
At the high level - Stick to your goals. Now since I don't know how much of your sip goes for which goal - frankly no one tell you if you should edit these sip amount.
On an individual equity fund level - think of these three things:
Instead of axis bluechip switch to nifty index fund
If the fundamental rationale of your investments still holds then continue to invest.
Else, get out.
But always remember, your portfolio appears to have some overlaps giving you exposure to the same asset again.
Also, this is fundamentally a long term game, time in the market >>>
So, it makes sense to stay put as long as you don’t need the money.
Thanks all for your replies. Few points I want to add here based on your comments
You have basically benefitted getting everyone’s responses and shared nothing about yourself / peoples questions. Not good community behavior. Upto others but I would rather not respond.
@Dr_Strange got all thr answers but didnt answer any