
Theft at Koramangla!

So at the night of 16th Feb there was theft at my rented house in Koramangla 1st Block, when I was at my hometown, thieves took whatever gold & silver was there at home about 1 lakh value. It’s a stand alone house where the owners stay above. Since they are locals they informed the police the very same morning and there were teams of police on the same day. They took all the CCTV footage and a dog squad, finger print team was at the location while day. I thought they have taken the matter seriously and they would find the thieves quickly. But it’s almost a month now and even I tried visiting the Koramangla police station after I was back, but they told the police officer is not present and next time call and come. I don’t see any progress in the case and I think these folks won’t do anything unless there is something for them to gain. Has anyone else experienced this? And what should one do in such a situation?



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Bangalore on

by Hillybilly


Drunken drive case (any cops on grapevine?)

So a few weeks back one of my friends was going back to his house after having a few beers at our place. He was riding his bike and just a few meters away from his home he got caught by cops and was asked to blow into the breathalyser( the alcohol tester). And the reading turned out to be 42, two units more than the permissible limit of 40. They sacked his bike and told him he has to go to court, pay the fine and only then the bike will be released. Our friend called us and told us what had happened. Me and my fiancé went to the police station to see what the scene was. They told the same thing and when we asked why they let other drunk people go and if we can see their test results, the cop was like , the machine switched off and we couldn’t take the test for other people or some shit(apparently there were people not even able to stand properly and were let go, a/c to our friend) My fiancé was hell bent on asking why they only had seized our friend’s bike and no else’s vehicle and I tried to stop him from getting too involved as the argument started heating up and it wasn’t going to help anyone at this point. Fast forward to few days, there was no online challan for his bike still and the cop tells our friend that he needs to pay them in the police station itself that too CASH. Not online. They said once you pay us cash, some OTP will come and you can share that next day in the station. It did seem fishy but the bike was just lying outside the police station and the process wasn’t getting started. And we told ourselves out loud “let’s trust the police and not over think things”. After a day or two these guys went and paid off the cop 13k ( 10k is drunken drive fine btw and 3k for some other shit they took) with no physical record of that transaction. Our friend still awaits that OTP from the station :/ P.S. few lessons from this to the readers: Firstly, please don’t drink and drive as you’re putting a lot of lives at risk. Secondly, if you’re caught for a drunken drive case, know that cops can’t take spot fine for it, only in court this can happen, is what I know( if this OTP thing is true do let us know in comments if you know any cops or if you are one) Also all suggestion are welcome on how he could have handled it better because police wasn’t proceeding with the challan and the bike was going to stay stuck forever there outside the station. Thanks for your time!


Bangalore on

by everyone


Bengaluru is Not Safe sometimes :(

I had a terrible experience last week Friday and want everyone in Bengaluru to be safe. I was assaulted. Incident 1: I went to drop a colleague after an office event and was returning away to my place. It was around 1-1:30 am. It was a single road and i was ascending an up and i saw a tempo-traveler coming the same way not stopping. The tempo didn't stop and immediately i took the reverse gair and started coming back and i heard a sound that tempo hit my car. I stopped and rolled down my window to see i there was a damage, as i couldn't see i got out of the car and asked the tempo driver if it hit my car (in my local language - telugu) i saw him coming down with unusual body language (could see he was drunk) and i said "nothing" (again in my local language) and got into the car. A second man got down and the tempo started hitting me through the window, followed by the first man punching me in the nose, breaking it. They banged on the car like anything and broke the right mirror. i bled and I got half conscious. Two more men from tempo joined in, assaulting me. I managed to roll up my window and drive home, bleeding and half-conscious. With blood all over my clothes, car and accessories i couldn't sleep as i could breathe with a broken nose. Incident 2: The same morning, to report the incident, I returned to the spot with my brother to identify the tempo. A local man offered help, suggesting my brother take photos of the tempos for identification. Suddenly, two women started abusing us, and a man attacked my brother, accusing him of taking pictures. The man threatened us against involving the police threatening he would see the end of us. I've lived in Bengaluru for 5 years and have seen many such instances recently. Recently, the crime rate has increased significantly. Please be safe and careful while driving at night. This can happen to anyone PS: This is something I found on LinkedIn today.

#Bengaluru is Not Safe anymore :( I had a terrible experience last week Friday and want everyone in Bengaluru to be safe. I was assaulted....
