
Thread: Share a Story from your First Job/ Internship...

I remember making 7000/month and spending all of it on travelling by Uber everyday because my dad didn't let me use the car and the Summer heat was making me melt. I needed an AC so I instantly blew almost 4000 rupees/month on just Ubers. With the rest I went to a nice restaurant with my mom+dad for lunch and it is my most memorable moment in life. I felt like I had grown up.

The internship was also nice and I learnt a lot of things about building systems for a startup. It was one of the best 8 weeks I had spent learning something new and cool.

I bet I used to look like Shinchan in this picture when I was in the office and seeing 40 year olds talking to 20 year olds like they were their buddies.

I was about to call them uncle hahaha.

What was your story from your First Job/ Internship?

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9mo ago

Funny story: I got my first job in 2015(aviation related company, on a core team) With in 6 months of my joining my team had to work over night on a Thursday for a critical bug fix.. I have never stayed late in my life.. Even during my btech i used to sleep around was new experience for me.. I was excited.. We worked till 3-4 am and got compoff on the friday. Weekend was as usual.. Going to movies with friends and trying new restaurants in BLR. It was on monday morning i realised my laptop was not in the bag. I was worried. Didn't even took bath and immediately ran to office(yes literally ran.. Office is very close to PG). There i checked on my team desks and conf rooms everything i thought of.. No laptop. I was scared and somehow told my manager.. He was not angry to my surprise but raised a high important ticket with security team to check CC cameras.. This needs approval from site leader... By 10am we got approvals and security team checked cctv cameras.. There I was walking like a zombie and kept my laptop in a locker and locked it. I didnt even remember that i have a locker.. Security guys pissed that i wasted their time and sent a report to their team leads and all.. Became a big issue but my manager and his manager both supported me and helped me go thru the situation.. Now 9 years later they still make fun of me whenever we meet..


🤪😂😂😂 This is actually really funny and sad at the same time


Yaa😭 i was scared so much that for next few days i used to lock laptop even when i was going for lunch


I got into a small consulting Infra engg startup as an intern. I had no prior skills or experience in this domain. I couldn't answer 9 out of 10 questions in the technical round. I remember the last question, it was - are you willing to learn? I said yes unaware of the struggles ahead!
In my 1st week of the job, I was asked to complete some courses. The content was so advanced for me to understand, hence felt overwhelming. By mid week, I was ready to call it quits.
I got into a call with my CEO, told him I don't think I can complete the courses within the target. I remember his words - Right now you are in the valley of disappointment (Atomic habits ofc!), I know it sucks to be here, but if you persist this, there are exciting times ahead!
He showed me the graph and all, I was convinced that this is the truth. Since then, I fucking clocked 13hrs average everyday to learn things, complete projects on my own, gained confidence of my fellow teammates and seniors. I got Full time offer. Internship salary - 15k/m. Full time offer - 25k/m. Once in full time, didn't stop, worked on projects, delivering outcomes, gained 2 hikes in 8 months to salary bump of 50k/m. It wasn't easy, everyday was a struggle. Every once a while I thought I should quit! But wanting to prove myself(having put this much effort already) and having no other backup pushed me!
With time, things that were difficult started to make sense. I got more responsibilities, got into calls with clients, I could explain stuff, people would listen to me. I with < 1.5yr experience would talk about things and leads in the call would be like, you talk like 5yr experience person. I felt amazing, recognized. Quit it once I reached my inflection point to join where you are @GrumpyIce with a pretty massive 5x base hike . Worked there for sometime until I quit it to pursue another stream.

Lesson learnt - Everything is daunting until it starts to make sense. Relentlessly keeping at it is way to go!


Lots of things happened in middle of all this. Broke up with my long term gf as I couldn't give her the time due to putting long hours at work.

Lesson - I regret prioritizing career over relationship. Nothing made me more happy than being in that relationship (despite our fights and the long distance due to fucking covid)

Now, I experienced more money, but it never provided me with the long term happiness that I experienced with her presence and I realised how important good relationships(friends, family, partner) are in our lives


I hated coding. The plan was to get into testing role and study for CAT. But I got pushed into development. I was mentored by exceptional developer and I delivered my first feature in 6 months time. I saw the impact it created to client and fell in love with coding. In very next release I caused 65million dollars revenue leakage. Thankfully, I had great manager and she backed me during postmortem of the issue


You have a god send manager


I got really lucky. My whole career I worked under some really exceptional and talented managers and all are females(don't know why i said that)


Bas ye shinchan k reference k liye bahut grapes milenge terko


I used to travel by metro for 1.5 hours for an internship that paid me 30k. I really enjoyed the experience but I got my first start up ideas while travelling in the metro.

I realised that I was in a meditative state while commuting. So I started to meditate and now I daily meditate for 30 minutes


When I got my first internship after 2nd year in summer (I'm in my 6th sem now) , I got my mom and dad a bhagwad Geeta and shivpuran with a nice wooden stand, it wasn't much but they were very happy, my mother still reads it daily and it became her hobby to read, when I see her reading I feel happy too. ( Not happy now though still looking for a summer internship )


My first internship i was supposed to get paid 5k but that didn't happen due xyz reasons, first time lived in PG walked to work, etc.

one day I can remember vividly was due to internet shutdown in jaipur swiggy /zomato delivery was not working so for lunch in peak sun time co founders walked to nearby tiffin aunty home asked for extra food if available then bought some bhindi and roti packed for the whole team.

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