Prompt engineering courses
Are there any good prompt engineering courses that one can take for upskilling? Has anyone of you here enrolled in one?
Yeah, you heard it right. Whatever these “gurus” and course scammers are shilling in the name of prompt engineering and crores of salary is 💩.
Heads up, companies are already working on augmenting prompts using Natural Language Generation techniques which build on top of Generative techniques like GPT and other Transformer based Architectures.
This is exactly the same as when Search Engines came out and you had to know the right queries to search for to get the answer, perhaps use flags like “site:wikipedia.com”
Do we have anything like a Search Query Engineer?
As things advance, the human edge of refining prompts will be automated to the highest degrees. Perhaps, Subject Matter Experts will guide for commercial or enterprise level use cases but apart from that….
NO! You will not become rich by becoming a Prompt Engineer.
Perhaps, now is the time to look at the next frontiers of AI and work on the cutting edge, that’s the best way to future-proof.
I didn't know there was a Data Science community in grapevine 💀 Also fully agree with your post. Prompt engineering is not a real job, it's 🤡
@roct Exactly, it is pure shithousery. 💩🚽
Like literally making gullible folks into clowns. 🤡
Scam Alert. ‼️🚨🔔
That job is a gold mine of content for LinkedIn and other social media influencers to shill their shit gyaan. "Here's why you're falling behind because X"
Noice. I have fallen behind this chatgpt hullagulla. Could you please recommend some good resources to understand this gpt phenomenon
@SaneTile21 No resources, meh. Just log onto it and start using.
You will automatically understand what it’s like and how it works. Everyone is incessantly making it harder than it is.
If you want to learn how to use it in development then go look at the OpenAI docs and start your journey building things with it.
Don’t go for anything else, it’s subpar.
Perfect. Thank you !
Some influencers are selling courses and pivoting their entire content on prompt engineering.
Everytime something new comes up, the grifters flock like vultures preying on gullible people
Not to mention, most of the "super" prompts aren't even effective after a while. AI is constantly changing and so are the filters and safeguards that prevent people from accessing features or data that they shouldn't.
True prompt engineering will be a niche challenge only enthusiasts will engage in. Most others will use what is readily available.
@RationalIndian I think you are onto something. But I am pretty sure that companies will make even the most bland prompts work in the backend via augmentation.
Of course, Microsoft probably has a lot more functionality available to them internally compared to what's available on Bing or ChatGPT. Commoners will never get access to it unless they train their own models with their own data (which is also happening btw). Open source models might just beat Bard and GPT very soon. It's going to be an interesting competition for sure.
I don't understand why people opt for paid courses when there are so many open source resources available. Prompt engg is a lot like googling, just like you need to know the right words to get the search result, you need to structure prompt in a certain way. Which i can assure, one can learn automatically after using it for sometime.
Plus if you need resources, this is more than enough: https://www.promptingguide.ai/
What is prompt engineering?
@Lord Something snake oil salesman call. Essentially, creating a “good” prompt to get desired response.
Are there any good prompt engineering courses that one can take for upskilling? Has anyone of you here enrolled in one?
It’s clear that companies won’t need engineers 10 years from now.
They’ll just need people who know what to make. Who to sell to. How to sell to. At what price.
This will be the great commoditization of Software development
This is an L take for someone who works at Google It is supremely obvious that SWEs are about to enter the golden er...
AI cannot compensate for judgement. 90% is still copied from github, stackoverflow but the 10% that a engineer puts b...
What a cope. Do you really work at Google? Ai had already come for marketing and PM also
I have 3 years of experience as Python Backend Developer with FastAPI.
Please guide me on how to start learning GenAI and how much time will take it to know basic to intermediate level so that clear the interview and get into project.