

why do these girls even try ?




8 months ago




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Office Gossip on

by donteventry


Rant: Some of ya'll in this community just really hate women

I understand that most of the tech community is men, and probably in this community as well. But some of y'all just make me lose hope, in seeing how pathetic your thought processes are. Women don't need to work cause India's GDP doesn't demand so? Excuse me? Have you heard of financial independence. Some of us want that. The next thing is diversity hiring. Diversity hiring is needed because of regressive thought processes like these that discourage and inhibit the progress of women in the workplace. Women in general, have to go through a lot more in comparison to men in life. Consider an example: You are a guy going to university, you mom does everything for you, you have enough time to study and do everything you want, go out with friends. Now another girl in your class might be expected to do housework, along with studies. If she doesn't score well she is threatened to be married off. As a result she only has so much time to study and not do extra curricular activities, while the guy can do all of that just because of the privilege of being male. This is why the bar of entry is lowered, so that women who are struggling in life, fighting their way through these odds can progess in life. Even if women who don't have these situations benefit, even if it benefits one person, makes their life better. How does it even bother you? Instead you want to make thier lives hell by shitting on them as diversity hire. Please learn empathy. Learn to respect and understand the struggles of others, regardless of their gender. Also acknowledge that as a male you have more privileges than women, because we are in a patriarchal society, which is why women need a helping hand sometimes.


Misc on

by Gossipking


fair warning - rant on whole ecosystem of arrange marriage

Fuck , what a waste of weekend. story - I am 27 years old and i am not rich enough like grapevine people. I earn 9 LPA and doing remote job. So parents started looking for girl for arrange marriage. So there is program arranged in our caste where boy and girl has to register beforehand. Registration fees is 500 per person and 400 for booklet. So i paid around 1900 and lunch is also included. This program invites all the prospects under one roof and booklet was given. Booklet has all the details of prospects.So registered candidates can have multiple meetings with different people. As you already guessed it this is problem of supply demand. Female candidates are way less and male candidates are way more. We have so many experiences like girl family just outright reject you on the basis where i live. That girl was doing nothing and have done bcom. Also one girl family rejected us soon as we just sit for a meeting. Reason dad of female earns 4X than my father income. We had some meetings around 5-15 but hardly any positive response. Female family is able to do 20-25 meetings at minimum and they can have choice whom to reject just on weight factor too. Shitshow out their for arrange marriage. We had a quarrel at home after coming from program that i wore some multicolour tshirt thats why we dont have further meeting. Also my parents are giving me lecture that i should have wore gold chain and bracelet to impress other people. another thing in booklet , boys has to mention salary. There is no mandatory thing to mention salary of girl in same booklet. Also girls are given return gift for just attending the function.