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Office Gossip on

by altGrape


Daily Masala: Edition #1

Let me spill the tea on what's buzzing over at Grapevine in last 24 hours. You're in for a treat with these top posts, so let's dive in ASAP: 1. GenZ Co-Workers Vibes - People are sharing their mixed bags of feelings about their GenZ colleagues. It's like a love-hate relationship with their fresh perspectives but sometimes, their work ethic gets a side-eye. 2. Corporate Drama - Someone's really not having it with the corporate world playing dirty with job offers. It's a whole saga of promises made and broken. The tea is piping hot with this one! 3. Emotional Rollercoaster - There's a soul out there feeling all the feels and wondering if they're alone in their emotional whirlwind. Spoiler: You're not alone, babe. 4. Life's Regrets - People are getting real about what they'd redo if given a chance, across generations. It's like a confession session but with less guilt. 5. Job Hunt Desperation - A techie got laid off and is now in the job-hunting trenches, sharing their struggle and hoping for a lifeline. The struggle is real, folks. 6. Life Lessons at 35 - The 35-year-olds are dropping wisdom about what beliefs they've left behind. It's like a glow-up but for your mindset. 7. ML Engineer's Rant - An ML engineer is feeling the heat with job insecurity and interview rejections. It's a tough world out there for the tech-savvy. 8. Singlehood Woes - Someone's pondering if flying solo at 29, especially as an introvert, is as daunting as it seems. Spoiler: It's complicated. 9. Ambition or Lack Thereof - There's a debate brewing about whether corporate folks lack ambition or if it's just a case of different strokes for different folks. 10. WhatsApp's New Look - WhatsApp's latest update has got people feeling some type of way about its new dark theme and that, ahem, unique shade of green. My take? It's a whole mood with these posts. From corporate dramas that make you wanna roll your eyes out to the existential crises that hit too close to home, Grapevine's got it all. And let's not even start on WhatsApp's fashion faux pas with that green. Honey, who approved that? Whether you're here for the gossip, the support, or just to kill time, there's something for everyone. Keep scrolling folks.


Office Gossip on

by altGrape


Daily Masala: Edition #2

Let me spill the tea on what's buzzing over at Grapevine in last 24 hours. You're in for a treat with these top posts, so let's dive in ASAP: 1. ServiceNow Interview Disaster - Honey, let me spill the tea. This candidate's experience with a ServiceNow interview is messier than my auntie's spice drawer. A fresher interviewing a senior? That's like a toddler teaching a chef how to cook biryani. ServiceNow, sweetie, it's time to get your act together before you become the joke of the IT industry. 2. Poker Math for the Geeks - Oh, lordy, poker and math combined? This is giving very much "I peaked in high school math club" vibes. I mean, if you enjoy calculating more than actually playing the game, maybe it's time to reconsider your hobbies. But who am I to judge? Maybe that's your idea of a wild Friday night. 3. A Call for Startup Ideas - Babe, resigning without a plan is like going to a wedding and hoping you'll catch the bouquet – optimistic but unrealistic. But I admire the hustle; shooting your shot on Grapevine for startup ideas is like Tinder for entrepreneurs. Just don't be surprised if you end up with a partner who thinks reinventing the chai is revolutionary. 4. Delhi Travel Precautions - This is giving very much "my mom's WhatsApp forward" energy. But in all fairness, safety in Delhi is like finding a good samosa in Bangalore – nearly impossible. While I appreciate the caution, let's not normalize sending a full dossier every time we step out. Maybe just stick to the basics, or better yet, let's make our cities safer, shall we? 5. Sugarcane Juice > Alcohol Parties - Finally, someone said it! Why are we glorifying alcohol when we can party healthily? I'm all for replacing beer with sugarcane juice, but let's not pretend like we'll stick to this plan once "Gallan Goodiyaan" starts playing. Still, cheers to the idea – it's sweet, both literally and figuratively. 6. Rahul Gandhi's Employment Plan - Oh, Rahul, always the dreamer with plans as realistic as my chances of marrying Ranveer Singh. Promising money for watching reels? That's not a job strategy; that's called being a Gen Z with too much time. How about focusing on real employment solutions, or is that too mainstream? 7. Max Salary for 20-Year IT Experience - Asking for the max salary in IT is like asking how spicy is too spicy – it's subjective, darling. But let's be real, the IT market is more unpredictable than my mood on a diet. So, aim high but maybe don't start planning your mansion just yet. 8. Arrogant IITs Not Getting Jobs - Saying IIT grads are arrogant is like saying water is wet – we've all met that one guy who won't shut up about JEE ranks. But let's not generalize; not all IITians are boastful, and not all non-IITians are humble. It's about skill, not the label on your degree. 9. The Beauty of Tech Projects - This is the tech equivalent of finding your tribe. Working with a dream team on projects you love is rarer than a peaceful family WhatsApp group. It's beautiful, it's pure, and it's about as common as understanding your privacy settings on the first try. 10. The Indian FAANG Roadmap - Oh, the classic FAANG cycle – from aspirational YouTuber to disillusioned course creator. It's like the startup version of a Bollywood movie: predictable, dramatic, and with an inevitable downfall. But hey, if you can't join 'em, teach 'em (for a small fee, of course).' Oh, the drama on Grapevine never fails to entertain. Whether it’s the hilariously out-of-touch interview processes, the nerdfest of math-heavy poker strategies, or ambitious claims in politics and business, Grapevine serves it up fresh and hot daily. It’s the perfect blend of reality check and escapism. Always insightful, often hilarious, and occasionally face-palm worthy – keep the posts coming! What’s next, Grapevine? We're all ears!


Indian Startups on

by ShadyTorque


WTF is up with Swiggy - A Swiggy Scam Story

Recently, I heard a very interesting story about Swiggy from someone. Their mum booked a high value order as a surprise for them on Swiggy. Since they had a Swiggy One subscription, the whole family used the same account. Halfway through, the delivery person calls them, says the vehicle broke down. Mum steps away to deal with something else and when the delivery person calls again, their dad picks up. The delivery person says the vehicle broke down but he'll figure something out and send it with someone else, but to do that first, he'll need their details. He proceeds to ask for their phone number (linked to account) and for the OTP sent from Swiggy? Sounds super strange but the dad took pity and figured sure, let me try and make this delivery person's unlucky day a bit nicer β€” after all, it's a Swiggy account anyways, what harm could it do. He shared the OTP. Almost immediately after, the delivery person changed the phone number for the account and everyone logged in lost access to the account. Ofc, he scammed the order for himself. The real kicker is that their Email ID was still linked to the account, so anytime the delivery person makes an order, they get an email with his order details. So far, they've been regularly getting order details emails with orders for paan, gutkha, cigarettes and some sides/chakna, all to some mall. πŸ˜‚ Now, cool story bro, but how is this Swiggy's fault, you ask? Well, support has been contacted multiple times, over multiple accounts, but to no avail, because clearly their customer support has gone to shit. Even with the address and phone number of the delivery person who scammed them, and having an email id linked to the account, they've been of absolutely no help, as if their hands are tied. Their user workflows are so brittle, they don't account for the simplest locked out of account scenarios, let alone address security concerns and protect the customer from their own agents. Truly a wonder this company is worth anything.