Using multiple monitor in public space


did you feel vibration on distilled ???

Braaather i need credits for tech cuties word 🤪

What is this distilled? Where can I try it?

Tech cuties 😂
Using multiple monitor in public space
did you feel vibration on distilled ???
Braaather i need credits for tech cuties word 🤪
What is this distilled? Where can I try it?
Tech cuties 😂
What was the last book you read? I read "Doglapan" by Ashneer Grover while travelling in the Metro from Gurgaon to Delhi. What was the last book you read?
The boy in the striped pyjamas
Man's search for meaning by Viktor E Frankl
I read 'Autobiography of an Yogi'
What's the one thing you had wanted to change / start / stop doing this year - call it resolution at the beginning of the year? How are you doing on that?
I wanted to get into a better rhythm on fitness and sustain the good eating ha...
Gained 10kgs in 2022, started going to gym in Feb 2023, lost 5 kgs till now. Started working on my own projects. ...
- Wanted to break into product Management with atleast 50% hike.- Done with 100% hike - Wanted to read 12 book a ye...
Wanted to change my job, did that but now feeling really unhappy here. Didn’t realise that comfort zone is called com...