What is your appraisal % ?
Is 10% appraisal good for top performers or is the company lowballing?
Exactly. My compensation was sub-10 lpa when I joined and I'm probably going to get only a 10% increase even though I got top rating across all metrics. I've been actively applying for jobs. What do you guys suggest is the best approach to let my manager know that I'm not ok with the 10%?
Jusr set a one on one with Manager. Let him/her know you are not happy.
Thanks for this! I need to do this.
I got a 30% appraisal but I'm aware that I've been lowballed because my compensation was low to start with
In my company, manager tried to play god and distributed more or less equal hike in absolute numbers. So people with low package ended up with more 25% hike and people with higher packages with 10% or less. How would you rate this approach?
Looks like incoming cost cutting. They want to retain the low level employees and care less about the senior ones. If push comes to a shove, the senior most ones will be removed. Harsh but it's the current market situation.
low balling
I got 50 percent hike