What is Cred’s business model?
Is Cred a business or just a long party? If they are a business then how do they make money? What do they stand for - currently it just looks like a hangout place for super privileged bros?
Is Cred a business or just a long party? If they are a business then how do they make money? What do they stand for - currently it just looks like a hangout place for super privileged bros?
Cred is truly a topic of surprise for me. Yes, I understand it has created a community of top spenders/credit worthy people in India. I also understand that they can use the information on such people for creating value for themselves.
I feel cred is doomed and just trying to increase its value. And the end goal is to sell the cred to someone with h...
Hey I Wanted a Small Favour Wanted to know how can I attend CRED Curious Event and If any CRED employee help me it would be great Or any know how we can go please help out
Thank you