What’s the biggest change you ever made to your life/lifestyle?
3mo ago1.7K1.7K views
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Went from being a person who would stay up till 4AM playing video games and had a very sedentary lifestyle, to someone who consistently wakes up at 7:15AM everyday to go for morning workouts. Has literally been life-changing. 🤞🏼
emotional regulation has to be one of the most imp. It's an ongoing process.
-Changed my eating habits to a healthier one. -Try to exercise regularly. -Go for walks after each meals. Feels very good. -Dressing up better than before.
Drinking more water. It’s a lost nutrient, your body will thank you for having 3 L a day. Start small - take 6 glasses a day to 7 and so on. Start walking. Healthy Habits will start compounding.
It was three years back when I started doing Gym 😻