HCL car lease policy
How can I get a car on lease from my Employer? A lot of people have told me that I have to pay less if I leave through my employer. Also, can I get tax benefits if I get a car from my employer?
I currently work in a tech startup in Bangalore. My company has a car lease policy that I can use to get tax savings on the car lease amount and the maintenance costs. Worked out the math and seems like I save 15% on a car's onroad cost if I avail this. However if I leave the company, the math stops working out in my favour as the interest on lease is higher than the interest on bank loans. I want to understand which other tech companies have car leasing policies for me to be able to migrate if I decide to buy one.
How can I get a car on lease from my Employer? A lot of people have told me that I have to pay less if I leave through my employer. Also, can I get tax benefits if I get a car from my employer?