Zomato employees dumped their shares
All Zomato employees including me and 3 more close friends dumped all our shares we got and bought after recent price hike.

Great! Now the price will rise

Even with Nykaa most employees lost their esop value I guess

ESOP is not preferred stock so all employees will lose value for over valued startups

Your company is swiggy currently? Do you like zomato culture or swiggy’

Lol does this mean you sold low and bought high? Golden hands

Worst timing lol

Good now price will go much higher and you’ll never be able to buy it back at these prices

How was your return on ESOPs? Did you make a great exit considering the taxes you may have paid while exercising? (If you exercised while leaving the company?)

Had doubled down on Zomato recently at 180 rupees when people were bearish, loving it 📈
Had originally bought at 55-60 levels. But believe in Zomato, so doubled down at 180. It looks amazing on portfolio now :)

Zomato - Long term stock or a Fad?
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Reality check at Zomato
As everyone knows that zomato is now hiring 800 employees after two months of a mass layoff, and exit of senior profiles like VP and CTO.
Let me tell you the truth about the founder. He is an opportunist. He doesn't give a shit about ...