All the post here is about toxic work place. give a shout out to your company if you have an awesome culture
what is the best thing about working your company ?
what is the best thing about working your company ?
I might sound like a sore thumb out , but as a contractor from TCS for a US retail giant .. The work is pretty good I fortunately only have to work with client software engineering teams alone , and all they care is getting the work done timely . The engineers are very respectful , supportive and interesting people to work with . The client manager is fun too .
There we said it. TCS has the best work culture
TCS has the worst work culture. Here the work culture of client company may be good.
Blinkit had it's cons, but it was a very high growth environment. A lot of things in life, thinking skills all i would attribute to my time there, if you were courageous you can literally act like a founder. But with high growth also comes intense competition (that's cool) and politics, that was difficult for me.
Bullshit. Regularly staying at the office post midnight, unrealistic timelines and then cutting them even shorter, forcing a compromise on quality of deliverables.
Inextensible designs with crappy implementations, and just do a bare minimum attitude (due to constraints) is really useless for a dev in the long term.
Vayrs, Assembly, Cart, Dragonstone, Pricing, WMS. Backlogs for fixing tech debts in new services are created even before the old one is deprecated.
New services have close to 0% test coverage. So many services run on Python2.7 with Django 1.8.6 Django 5 was released last week.
Combined with extreme politics, the folks inside need a reality check. Sure it's high comp. I can make 50L++ as SDE-2, but it ain't helping anyone.
Depends on the team. I wasn't part of the sde team. Mein data side pe tha. Blinkit me data team is at the core of every initiative
Depends on person to person
I personally loved the work I did, not politics. I didn't mind staying late because I had the freedom to pick my own projects and deliver