Any good Indian AI startups?
I've been curious about whether there are any good Indian startups in the AI field that are not building "tools" like meeting summary or anything of that sort. But more like research based such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Midjourney, etc. They could be early stage or late stage, doesn't matter. Have you guys seen any around you with potential?

Not a lot of such startups in India tbh. Only one coming to mind is beatoven.ai but hard-core groundbreaking research is not happening here.
Most people going for low hanging fruit.

That's what I suspected. It's very unfortunate and given how fast this AI wave is progressing, I feel India will get left behind and this wave is unlike other waves. You can't catch up cus the power stays with the powerful (people who control AI). It's a zero sum game

Rephrase.ai they just got acquired by adobe

You should definitely try goodmeetings.ai then!

ML systems startups in India
Are there any startups in India focusing on building infrastructure/tools/systems for ML workloads? There are soo many of these in Bay Area but I haven’t came across anything happening in India. Would love to know.