Are there good jobs for people who struggle with learning and social skills?
I’m 22, and I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Management Studies. But honestly, I’ve been feeling lost ever since.
I’ve always struggled with learning things quickly. In school, I had to work twice as hard as everyone else just to keep up. While others could pick up lessons in one go, I’d go over the same material again and again to understand it. Even then, it wouldn’t always stick.
Social situations are even worse. I don’t know how to hold conversations, especially with new people. I either go completely blank or end up saying something embarrassing. It’s hard not to feel judged all the time, and the anxiety of talking to others has scarred me mentally. I know I must come across as awkward, and it makes me avoid people altogether.
The biggest fear I have is not being able to hold a stable job. Every time I start something new, I take longer than others to understand tasks, and I make a lot of mistakes. I feel like a burden when I have to ask for instructions repeatedly. My managers lose patience, and I’ve either been let go or left jobs because I couldn’t handle the pressure.
I’ve been stuck in retail jobs and part-time gigs because that’s all I’ve been able to manage. But I don’t want to live my life like this - I don’t want to be stuck in poverty or feel like I’m doomed to jobs that don’t pay enough to live comfortably.
I know I’m not great at technical things like programming, finance, or medicine. I’ve tried, but the concepts are too advanced for me to pick up quickly.
I’m scared about my future. I don’t know what kind of job would suit someone like me - someone who struggles to learn fast and feels out of place socially. Is there a realistic path forward that can help me earn a decent living (₹40k/month or more)? I’m ready to work hard, but I just don’t know where to focus.
Please be honest - I don’t mind the hard truth. I just want to figure out how to move forward.
I know it feels overwhelming right now, and it’s brave of you to be this honest about what you’re facing. One thing that might help is starting with something small and structured - maybe a job where you have very clear, step-by-step instructions. For eg, some office roles (like basic data entry or simple quality checks) or even certain remote work positions can give you a stable routine without constant social pressure. If you can, try reaching out to staffing agencies or looking on job boards for “entry-level” or “trainee” positions where they actually help you learn at a comfortable pace. Also, think about talking to a career counselor who knows how to break down complex tasks into easier steps.
Don’t beat yourself up -you’re allowed to learn differently. With the right environment, you can find a stable spot and gradually build from there.
Buddy with a BMS you can't expect to get btech and MBA level jobs . U join go for further studies or govt job
Your age is still in range for Govt Jobs, may be try those? In private sector, there will be always some rush and some pressure. Looking at what you have written, Govt Jobs are your best recourse. And there are all sorts of Govt Jobs out there, though they too need some effort to crack, but once cracked, you won’t have any pressure to face at least in terms of Job loss.