Book recommendations
Looking for suggestions. If you had to recommend one book to anyone that you think transformed your life in a good way which book would it be ?
I will go first - it's difficult to pick single one so here we go.
- atomic habits
- Siddhartha
There are many,
- Can’t hurt me and Shoe Dog - Perseverance
- Never split the difference - Negotiation
- The book of beautiful questions - Ultimate weaponry
- Thinking fast and slow - how we think and process
- Your life your money - All things between life and money
- Ikigai (there are many books) - for inner peace and happiness
Denial of Death - Ernest Becker
Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
The History of Money - Jack Weatherford
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Object-Oriented Data Structures using Java - Nell Dale
Animal Farm - George Orwell Children of India - Ruskin Bond Fooled by Randomness - Nassim Taleb Merchants of Doubt - Erik M. Conway and Naomi Oreskes
The Next Wave!!
Shoe dog Alchemist
[Thread] What book has had the most profound impact on your thinking?
Personally, Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
The concept of Antifragility, where systems and individuals not only withstand chaos but actually benefit from it, had reshaped my perspective on ris...

1. Thinking fast and slow 2. Competing against luck 3. Non violent communication 4. Siddhartha 5. Lightness ...

Who will cry when you die? When breath becomes air Two of my all time favourite, life changing books. Would de...
Suggestions for books
As a part of many people's nye resolution like mine is to read more books, I want to read a book in 2-3 months since I am on beginner level😅 Please suggest some good books for personal improvement including - tech, finance, self help, ...

There's no 1 answer to it. It cannot be solved in an instant. I attend therapy to deal with issues in my life. I find...