From my personal experience, I used to procrastinate a lot for example let's say I have a very important deadline, I would procrastinate till the very end and i end up half assing the work and it would turn out mediocre, i watched multiple videos and read multiple books I would successfully follow for 2 days and then back to watching Netflix when I have so much things to get done instead, so finally after a lot of trial and error I found one thing to be working for me might not work for everyone, so initially I took just 1 thing that is at most priority and i would design my life around it, so for example, I wanted to start working out regularly so what i did was to do it as early as possible so i started hitting the gym first thing in the morning, obviously initially you might miss one or 2 days but it's still better then sitting at home and thinking how I can improve, so gradually i became regular but it took some time for me to get use to it make it a habit.
I suggest you read Atomic Habits it was very helpful for me so most people procrastinate because they are afraid about the result, or that end goal is too big to achieve, I used to think the same way, always use to calculate how far I should go to achieve a goal and get demotivated to do so, but that book taught me that a very very small change in life each day will get me there instead of always looking at the end result, so now I am trying to achieve a small goal which is very much in my control and very doable, hope this is helpful:)