Building Wealth
Folks, what is your definition of ideal salary that can allow you to retire at age of 45 with enough wealth to fulfil your wishes of travelling, buying house, etc.

How much you earn in the absolute doesn't matter. There are plenty of high earners who aren't wealthy and plenty of mid-earners who are wealthy.
What matters is what you do with that money. Investment percentages, instruments you choose and your expense budgets when you work and without.
The current tribal wisdom is $1 mil + Own house to stay in + No liabilities on children. Mileage will vary with terrain.

First part of your post gives me hope to retire fast. Leaving frugally to the extreme alone can give the hope to retire/work on one's own terms irrespective of earning potential

What's your retirement corpus goal?
How much do you think is enough?
It's usually never enough for a lot of people and life is bound to throw a lot of curveballs along the way (for better or for worse), but what's the first figure that comes to your mind at which you feel...

Retirement planning
What is your retirement plan? I found 25X annual saving rule for developed economies where inflation is stable.
Any thoughts on this?

Can someone retire with just 50 Lakh in hand at 30.
Age 30, married, expecting to be alive till 80 50 L in cash Own house & car (no plan to sell any of them) No kids, no loans, no expectations, just basic life Nothing from family
Excel calculation is hinting yes :) But need practi...

You can't have the same car for 50 more years. Your house will need pieces of renovation in the next 50 years. ...