So, Ive spent over 13 years in IT. Saved 1.2 cr in FDs, NPS,PPF,PF and mutual funds. Around 15 tola gold il that Inbougt. I am tired and I want to quit and be a full time mother. But my husband is unwilling to support me financially and I carry my own expenses till date. Is the corpus enough to support my 6 year childs education? I am considering separating from my husband because of toxic abuse. Just want to make sure that my childs future is secure if I quit now.I just need a break to enjoy motherhood, managing work and child both together has effected my mental and physical health. I am willing to work 1 more year if required, post which I want a slow peaceful life. Please advice. No real estate till now, its difficult to for me to do all the paper work and house hunting alone.