What is the meaning of net worth?
I have heard this statement may times. As a 27 year old how do I actually calculate my net worth?
Just saw a retard on X/Twitter saying how 1000 cr wedding for the Ambanis is justified because the spending is 0.01 percent and of their Networth 😢🤕
Have a feeling that in future people are gonna throw this "Networth" around frequently while taking serious life decisions
Want to know how approximate can it be for a Salaried individual
I have heard this statement may times. As a 27 year old how do I actually calculate my net worth?
The last I saw, to be in top 1% individual in terms of wealth, you needed to have assets worth $77k. This is from news article of 2020. Sharing link here - https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/this-is-what-it-take...
Recently reached 1cr net worth , which was a personal milestone ( liquid money). Started with 10lpa(only person from college to get into the company) . Had 2 switches. Made most via investments. Been investing from internship where my st...
1 CR is less in 2025. Thanks to my family and generational wealth, I have been blessed with 11 CR worth assets. Worki...
Milestone crossed 1M USD combined networth (~9.15Crore Household Net-Worth) 46 M (Software Engineer/Founder) + 37F Wife (Lawyer) + 1 Kid (3 Year Old) based out of Delhi.
So last week me and my wife finally reached this milestone, >1M...
Wow. Congratulations man. Tell us more about what seniority, what kind of company you're at. Also, 23 Cr inheritanc...
This is really insane. Tells you a lot about getting rich is a slow game and it takes time to get there. You ar...
Dude, i am 33 M - i reached 1mn $ networth 2 years ago without counting my wife or parents wealth.