
Career breaks

People who have had career breaks and joined back the work force. Share your stories

12mo ago
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Career is is the bad choice. Unless you are taking a break to be a entrepreneur or a woman for family reasons.

Career break is the only option if you are planning to change industries or jobs roles.

Took a "sabbatical". Bad career move. Had to create a fake entrepreneurial venture just to justify the career break. Couple of interviews later, i could figure out what sort of questions you usually get and could steer the conversations in my control.


Please help with the same regarding those questions..on a break for 2 months and will start prep for interviews next week


Hey, I didn't take break, I was not satisfied with my jobs and that's why i resigned later 3rd company was so toxic i couldn't handle and left in 3 months. I'm giving interviews now but I'm not able to land on jobs. Of course I'm trying to give good reasons for switch but still I'm not landing anywhere. Can you help me with good reasons for career break?


I had a 1 year break, not by choice from Nov 2022 to Nov 2023. Looking back at it now, it was great and I feel everyone should take a year off when they can. It helps one rethink life strategy, reposition themselves in career - explore a new industry/role etc. But because it was triggered by a layoff, personally it was a tough place to be.


Were you able to get a job?

And how much experience do you have?


I had a career break of 2 years during the pandemic. Wasn't out of choice.

I felt it was the worst time. Was lagging behind peers and colleagues. All of it was self imposed worry. Had a career break when I least wanted it.

I think though you should take sabbaticals/career break when you want.

I'm super unhappy because it wasn't my choice. It will be better for you.

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