[Comeback Thread] What is the hottest Indian Startup of this year(2023)? 🚀
It has been a while since I did a thread, so busy with work nowadays.
My answer would be Grapevine. Never experienced something like Grapevine in a really long time. Especially, considering that it has only been their first year.
What is your answer?

i would agree, currently working for a shitty social network and grapevine is the perfect example of great product execution. Didnt bloat with silly features, just game of great content and community building. You couldnt even see likes for months. Way to go, really rooting for u guys.

Grapevine is what happens when sensibility prevails over hot headed decision making.

@MarkZuckerberg when it comes to monetization, let's see how the table turns.
It's not with the product in itself that most companies struggle with, it's making money out of it.
And in India, the end users will go to any extent to avoid paying for something, even if it's completely irrational.
Let's say Grapevine is planning to offer something paid (maybe the DMs of advance salary analysis, etc). Out of the 65000 users, maybe 65 or at max 650 people may try it.
So, other source for revenue needs to be identified: maybe ads (could be sponsored or promoted posts as well), or something similar. Which means, it may get bloated with a lot of things.
Be it Byjus or Unacademy or Share that, everything strated with a smaller good intent. As it scales, money problem arises, which may cause problems.
Even Google is ultimately an advertising platform (but it effectively does the same by delivering value)
Amazon is one of the worst business (loss making) as an e-commerce player. It's just that AWS and platform advertising/fees is holding them up.
Microsoft is selling software/hardware. So it's a bit different.

Tough to say but the most impactful for me was OpenAI.

Grey Orange robotics looks cool!

IMO Paytm and Zomato have done phenomenal turnaround. I'm quite impressed and positive about their future.
It's what a changeover mama feeling.