Companies in India to maximise TC
Currently Senior at Microsoft with TC ~1 crore, which will drop by 20-25% in few months on hitting cliff.
With no SSA or promotion in sight, what are the best companies in India to switch in next 4-5 months for max TC and career growth and non-toxic culture?
My goal is to grind for next 3-4 years and reach staff/principle level
What ballpark TC should i expect at senior levels? Suggestions please?

Reading this, i feel i am wasting oxygen


10 years with a 16 lakh package. Last 5 years got rejected from Google 2x , Atlassian 2x, Amazon.
UpSkilled myself, changed domain, tried coding but failed. Currently in a new project after upskilling and i feel like i am being exposed. My juniors are doing better than me.

I read that you have 7 YoE Deeply hurt, I also have similar experience
Don't maximise TC, leave some for the rest of us? That aside: consider mid stage startups. Those that are equivalent of Google in 2012ish. Think Stripe, Coinbase, etc. from 3 years back.
That's where you will get paid well and also have ESOPs that multiply. Others can chime in on what is the equivalent today.

Have worked at Indian startups in the past. Never again

Attlasian, zscaler, Salesforce, Google

Google, Uber, Salesforce

Ballpark TC for L5?

1.35 cr