
Confused about a position

I applied for an Founder's Office position at this early Stage Startup called KiranaPro based out of Bangalore. They said they don't have a founder's office role but an EA role. They haven't provided me with a written JD. Should I go ahead with it? I have a total job experience of 2.4 years and was working in Telecom. I am just a little confused cause they we wished to hire me with just a conversation of 20mins and even before the Founder have had a conversation with me personally. This all conversation was being handled by someone who looks in the finance and operations for the startup.

2mo ago

Don't do EA It's not same as Founder's office


Is there a chance that with time going ahead I would be doing more? Cause I am an engineer and I have technical expertise as well. So yes I am capable of taking more responsibilities. Is that possible? What do you think?


Avoid EA roles with Indian founders. You will mostly be treated as a personal secretary. Also, in general Founder’s office roles are a hit or a miss. Depends a lot on the founder and chances of finding a good founder in India are slim to none.


You must specialise early in your career. That’s how you grow. Over a period of time, as you get more exposure and responsibilities, you move into generalist roles.

Don’t become a generalist so early in your career.

Hope it makes sense.


Yes it does. Thank you for your time. Appreciated.

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