Confused Between Principle & Practice
I really don't like the practice of sharing current CTC. Not only it ties your future income to your current income but it also traps you into a vicious cycle of justifying your hikes.
I've been looking for a job for the past 4 months. Recruiters usually drop my application because I don't share the current CTC. Recruiters that do entertain my application, tend to ghost me after I clear the interview.
I don't want to compromise on my principle. What shall I do?
YoE: 6y+ Software Developer.

Open your own startup, reject everyone who share their CTC and then post on LinkedIn. If you play your cards right, soon it will become the norm (few years give or take lol)

Honestly is it worth it not having a job for 4 months? If yes. Keep the good fight up.

It doesn't seem to be that's why I'm here for advice.

So get into the muck with us piggy, it's the name of the game. I do ask peeps for their budget straight up on the first call, if it doesn't work me, I tell em to go away. Also when you say they drop your application after clearing the interview. I'm tryna get the facts straight, do they tell you you've been chosen for the role now share docs/ salary slips, or do they ghost after the interview.

Let me give you a perspective. CTC is a function of:
- Your previous CTC.
- Your work ex (years).
- Your work ex (companies).
- Skills you bring to the new company.
- Budget that the company has.
- CTC of folks which new company has employed.
- Your Edu Background (Pedigree)
Now, you not sharing your CTC is like... You going on date and not wearing the best outfit (or maybe you only have old outfits).
Fact is that you will have your face reality, and share CTC and all other possible details.
Now: how to share CTC... As me separately. There are different ways you can share CTC...

- Your "perspective" made 0 difference.
- Your answer was a lot of gibberish around "CTC share karna padega"
- You're an uptight, self righteous, snobby lil piece of HR shit who thinks everything that comes out of their mind is pure gold but you somehow regressed as a human being post MBA, sold your soul to whatever little demon HRs do pledge to and now trying to be a smartass in an anonymous forum but actually coming out in different colours of HR stupid that your demon colleagues already show off to the world. theGlorifiedGatekeeperGuy!

Oops! you got me wrong.
Anyways, here's a simple answer.
"Your principle will not yield you much results. You should share your CTC and also have a strong story behind it (explaining what it is at X percentile, or Y compa ratio)"
"Your principle is absolutely right when it comes to sharing CTC with friends, family, relationships"

I used to do this too because of principles. Didn't work out at all in 2021 but got a few offers in 2019.
Share your compensation or atleast an expected range. It's a pointless battle to fight. Indian recruitment practices are totally BS and won't improve.
Play the game. Get good offers and screw them at their own game.

This. Bidding war using the offers. Use the system to defeat the system.

Just tell them your CTC, not worth playing mind games with HR