
Corporate mistakes

We have all been told by our managers… Speak freely. It’s confidential, we’re working on YOUR growth plan. We have been gullible to believe it. What are your top mistakes and top things that you should have not told your manager?

17mo ago

Was on notice period. A senior person joined and started criticizing our way of working (campaign management) and started parachuting ideas from their old job which would have not worked.

No one was ready to state obvious. I was carefree (notice period) so stated obvious and ended up having shouting match in a conference room with entire team as spectator. Thought things are over.

Skipped couple of jobs over next few years and was settling in nicely in a new company. And lo behold the senior person (with whom I had shouting match) gets recruited as my manager.
Had to work hard , to mend fences.

Lesson learned, you never know when you will need someone so keep relationship coordial with everyone. As long as you keep your boss happy, everything else is someone else's problem.

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Corporate lesson learnt in 20s #1

Timely completion is better than delayed perfection!

read that again.

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what is your worst mistake professionally?

for me. i spent college studying for grades and 20s making money in a job I don't like, but never got to make the memories I should've with all my friends. I regret doing all of that

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