I got 3 increments in the first 1.5yr of my job.
1st -> Hey, the median salary is higher, I'm doing well, you ought to pay me above median. Little back and forth and got it done.
2nd -> I'm working hard, it should reflect in compensation. Didn't work out.
I outright said that I'm in this company for work and compensation. If the comp part doesn't play out, my future here is indecisive.
Got my increment that month itself.
3rd -> Annual cycle, I had been tracking metrics quantitatively every 1-1 with the manager. Career progression, performance, and promotion.
Checked all the boxes.
This was my lowest increment overall in that company.
Threats work best, straight up asking and nagging second, and meritocracy third.
Caveat: Performance needs to be at the highest standards. I think I missed out because I didn't participate (nor understood) the office politics.