Disk herniation issue, worried
I am having l4-l5 annual discussion herniation which causes compression on nerves, due to this feeling numbness, burning sensation and weakness in thighs and feets.
There are other more problems, please look into MRI image below
My vitamin B12 and D 25 are good. LFT and KFT are also normal. Sugar is normal. Currently in tier 3 cities. Neurologist just give pain killers and vitamins only.
If somebody has gone through this and cured by doing exercises or anything please share.
Not able to focus on work and depressed all day, everyday due to this.
I am sde, so sitting all day can't be avoided.

Had a mild disc bulge a few years ago between L4-L5, L5-S1 and it's basically the worst thing. Can't imagine your case. I would suggest you go visit a specialist at AIIMS - New Delhi. (Better spend travelling than on a useless/ unnecessary surgery ) Any private guy will straight away jump to surgery because it earns them more money. Literally don't care about you or the injury { a very sad state of affairs :( }.

My father had something similar, I have the MRI report. Similar issues with l3-l4, l4-l5 and l5-S1. The issue was something to do with those discs getting out of place, pinching the nerves and this causing excessive pain in lower body parts (legs, feet etc.)
He was advised spinal surgery by two doctors, and we had panicked (being spinal surgery, even though it is not that serious I realize now). So we had gone to a third doctor, who was actually a Orthopedician. He assured that it can curable without surgery, and he advised some medicines and complete bed rest for 21 days, bed rest so strict that don’t even walk around even a bit. Post that he advised to wear waist belt for a few months, and then it is all good now. From last 3-4 yrs, absolutely no issues.
You should go by the advise of Doctors. Take multiple second opinions, from famous doctors, specially neurophysicians and Orthopedicians.

Don't have luxury of bed rest, gotta earn $ have pretty heavy bills. At present working half from bed and half in chair. I am 28 maybe exercises can help speed up recovery

I don’t think exercise helps in this case, but only neurophysician or Orthopedician can advise on this. Also, health is wealth, 2-3 weeks of leave is nothing for getting cured of these serious issues, otherwise if it gets deteriorated, it may cost you much more.

The pain makes you depressed, and in depressed mood the pain feels more.
Don't get used to it and don't ignore it also
Once pain is reduced you will able to focus on your work. This shall pass.
Find good doctor and physiotherapist and stick to them

Not cured but manageable
Plz check with your doctor and ask for physiotherapy.
If you know any physiotherapist then directly connect with him/her (as per process they are suppose to work on recommendation of doctors)
Plz avoid pain killers.
Take vitamins.
Don't sit for long periods, wear a tracker that can trigger if you are sitting for longer period
Use adjustable table, so you work while standing as well sitting