
Do y’all agree with this take?

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14mo ago
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No, it depends very much on the business. You can’t have same sales framework for B2B & B2C customer so why Product can have the single framework. My take on PM classifications -

  1. Platform PMs - more inwards looking as customer demands are more structured. Many companies have NPS enabled, so platform PMs anyways need to interact with customers on a defined frequency.

  2. Consumer PMs - This can be more outwards focus, but again depends on the product maturity state. Imagine you are a new startup, building product might need more attention.

AirBnB as we know has reached some sort of maturity and struggling for some time in recent past. Think of Indian market and how these BNBs are doing. So CEO has to do something loud to tell investors that “We are doing XYZ, things will change”. As a firm believer of randomness theory, I think things might start falling in place.

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