Do you agree with Jensen Huang of Nvidia?
"Greatness does not come from intelligence. Greatness comes from character, and character isn’t formed out of smart people - it's formed out of people who have suffered."
Link to the video

100% agree with him. There’s no success without learning. Theres very few learnings that come without pain

I wish you bad luck!

Ya have dickheads in my company who think they’ve 150iq but one thing I can guarantee is that they can never run team or convince people to work with them.
They won’t be able to go far.

Can someone confirm if Sama was asked DSA in his Microsoft interview ?
Legend says Sama refused to learn DSA for Microsoft Interview after getting inspired by some Indian LinkedIn Influencers.

He tried joining google, but couldn't invert a binary tree 🌲

This is epic moves from Satya Nadella Sam Altman is on such a path, I wonder what kind of a negotiation happened to...

Sam Altman is treated as some sort of AI pioneer, which is extremely overblown by the media. The guy is not an AI res...

[Thread] Grapeviners 🍇? Drop one lesson from your learnings at work.
Here’s mine, Care deeply about any work that you touch, give your best and more.
The effort really shows, especially when you can solve something better than what they hoped for.

Contradictory to your lesson… I learned not to get too attached to your code. Bcoz it might just get scraped.

Avoid office politics and gossiping the most. Imo it doesn't really help and nobody is a friend in the office. Stay a...

Don’t give free suggestions unless they ask. Go late and leave Early