does everyone at faang in india makes 1cr+?
i used to think this was a fake narrative sold by youtubers to sell courses. but seeing recent posts here makes me feel its true. $220k RSU is insane money for 3 yoe. i'm working remotely earning in USD and even then it is not anywhere close to a cr. ig its time to give on dev and start grinding leetcode 🤠

One gets only 5% of those nicely sounding 220k RSUs when leaving after one year, 20% when leaving after two years. 0% if you leave before one year.
Attrition rate is high, beyond the around 10% PIPed a year, additional 20 to 50% people leave within two years.

What are you dreaming? Most faang people get vested 25% shares each year except amazon.
Amazon makes up for that by providing 20-301 joining bonus each year. Attrition including pip is 3-6% at these cos, most have 2-4year tenure. They get rich. Heck i am not in faang, but all my friends have amassed quite a good amount of wealth.

Yes but not at 3-5 YOE

Everyone above L5(senior swe) is north of 1 cr. In a few companies L5s also hit that number.

L5s are 1cr in places like google easy - you’re at the lower end if you’re on 1cr on L5 at these places. 1.5 would be more close to the median

That’s only a few companies as I said, Apple ic3 amazon swe 2 are not hitting 1 cr

Several people do. Actually most people in FAANG India with more than 10-12 years of work ex make 1 Cr+ when cash + stock and bonus is put together

RSU is Restricted Stock Unit, not a stock which can be sold the next day of receiving. Also, it is taxed at the highest slab

Not the highest slab, the tax slab of the persons salary

RSU is Restricted Stock Unit, not a stock which can be sold the next day of receiving.
Once the RSU is vested, it's pretty much like normal stock. You can sell it whenever you want. And for companies like Google, it vests every month. So it's basically like salary only.

Yes it's true

Not true