
Just like that, she is gone :/




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Adulting on

by Not_Infosys


She left me.

I always looked at her and felt she is so beautiful, charismatic, and had an infectious smile. Looking at her made me smile broo. Chapter 1 One day I decided to ask her out. I messaged her and our conversation grew then she spilled out that she also liked me a lot. And she was glad that I asked her out. Chapter 2 She had studied in an all girls school and she had a stereotype about boys that they are all stupid and bad. And girls and boys should never be together. I was fine because atleast she liked me šŸ˜‚. One fine day she asked me to break up with my brosss. I asked her why? She said your friends are all playboys and I don't like the way they look at me. (Disclaimer: My bros are really nicest guys and I have known them since childhood they are the best gentlemen). We had an argument which didn't end on a good note. Chapter 3 I left to a new state for my Job. After I reached there she messaged me that we can't talk and we have to stop whatever we had. I got anxious and worried and spent my 5 months not being able to contact her. I got into depression. Then me being restless on my birthday I came back to my hometown. At exactly 11:59PM when my bday was going to end she messaged me "Happy Birthday". I was so happy to see her message. Chapter 4 We started talking and she said that she is leaving to Canada for her higher studies. I was happy for her but at the same time I was sad. I didn't want to see her go. We both cried and stayed on call till morning watching each other sleep. Chapter 5: She reached Canada and she completed her formalities and procedures. We talked for few more days but then eventually she started giving me hints that she is not interested. Then one day she abruptly messaged me and said we can't talk and we have to end everything. I cried the whole night, because there was no way for me to contact her and she had blocked me. Chapter 6: It has been 1 yr to that day. Somehow I have gone numb. I'm slowly forgetting her.


Data Scientists on

by ProductGod

Ola Electric

Data Scientists on Grapevine: Should I Ask For Sick Leave After Being Cheated On

I just found out today Iā€™ve been cheated on by my long term girlfriend who I lived with. Turns out sheā€™s been cheating for a few months but sheā€™s only just told me now because sheā€™s fallen out of love for me and sheā€™s fallen in love with him, so sheā€™s leaving me for him. She says I neglected giving her the attention she needed because I was so focused on work I forgot to do the nice things for her like bring her flowers, or take her out for dinner or to just show her how much I loved her. Even though Iā€™m so heart broken and havenā€™t stopped crying, I do forgive her because itā€™s true my work hours were bad and because we lived together I kept thinking in my head ā€œitā€™s fine, ill make it up to her next timeā€. Plus, I was planning to quit my job once bonus comes at the end of this year to find a more chilled job so I could spend more time with her, I truly am ready to leave my job and that was my plan so I was just holding out until then. But now I wonā€™t have the chance because she said its too late she has already lost interest in me and loves him. But this guy is a software engineer at a FAANG company earning 60-70L a year whilst only having to work 9-5 so heā€™s richer and has more free time to give her attention. Actually she said he only works around 3 hours per day, he does around 1 hour in morning then 2 hours after lunch and for the rest of the day heā€™s free to spend time with her, and his company doesnā€™t notice or mind. So this guy earns almost 3x my compensation for only 3 hours a day meanwhile Iā€™m working 12 hours a day She would sneak out whilst I was at work to go on dates with him or round his house and then she would come back to my home in my bed in time for when I arrived from work so I wouldnā€™t notice. Now I feel really broken, Iā€™m in no mental state to be working I canā€™t think about anything else I have deadline for work today and Iā€™m just sat here crying writing this post. I know men are meant to be strong and hold our emotions together but I really am sad. I want to ask for 3 days sick leave at work but I donā€™t know if this normal and acceptable to do? Given most sick leave would be for grievances like the death of a loved one etc. or am I being a cry baby and I should man up and continue to work?