
Leetcode scraping legal/illegal

Ok... Hear out my use case before you answer. The TnC and EULA say that the content of leetcode is theirs and we may not publish it. That being said, the same freaking questions pop up all over Codechef, CodeForces, InterviewBit, Algoexpert and Neetcode. The last of which is declared to be a leetcode clone since its inception. I don't want to create a leetcode clone and I don't want to solve their 3k+ problems. 500+ is mind boggling as is. That being said, I pay 10k to leetcode every time there is a panic about job security. It has happened twice since COVID 19 days. I thought that if I could scrape the ones I did and a few I plan to learn (maybe a blog where I can post solutions so that I can revisit later), there could be no harm. I fricking paid for it after all. Web scrapers are notorious because they leave a fingerprint. So, I thought it's best to take my time to copy a couple of questions everyday. Day 11 and I'm tired of doing this manually. So... Any suggestions as to how I can scrape the data ethically? Furthermore, what falls under fair use and what constitutes as copyrighted data if I created a blog from these?



Early Stage Startup

7 months ago




7 months ago

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