🚨 EdTech scam
This will be taken down from reddit by mass reporting in some time. So sharing it here before that. Ps: not my post

Seems one of those fake posts? Who is this retarded?

Not all edtechs. But if you are smart enough, you can differentiate and find it out for yourself

List some please. All I've heard is bad news about them.
Once a company reaches one level profitability comes into picture. Byjus wasn't scammy when it started out, but eventually we all know what happened.

Go for edtechs that don't promise a job. They are simply there to level you up.
Eg. Boot.dev Codecrafters.io Neetcode.io
These are helpful and amazing people who have formed these websites. They don't promise you anything beyond absolutely rich content!

He can straight away go to a consumer court !!!!

@DarlesChickens Has that ever helped anyone?
Speaking from personal experience, I raised a case against Flipkart, and shared the case number also with them. Neither Flipkart nor the government batted an eye.

Here the edtech isnt as big as FK. Moreover not only district consumer court, even national consumer court is also proactive.

Another Farid company doing the same things is tutornet private limited they force u give first sale of 25k in first seven after that they abandon u forever.!! They claim to be based out of Kolkata and headed by guy called Ankit

Geeksforgeeks live classes are not fake tbh. They r live

DM me i can help with guidance on cloud/devops/sre

Kids save your money from GS suckers!
This post shudnt be under LinkedIn cringe but I felt no other category fits. Just to spread the awareness about another EdTech scam.

Brainly India - entire team laid off
Got to know through my network that Brainly india has asked the entire team from their MD to all junior folks to go. Reason - sudden change in strategy.. they didn’t let the product even launch.. the team was in full swing prepping.. imp...

Kids save your money from GS suckers - II
Continuing the series for wider reach! Please share out this for maximum reach. More & more victims are speaking now and their voices should reach to authorities. These scammers should go to the jail.