
ET Genius? Mighty?

Some companies like ET Genius and Mighty have been selling these mutual fund portfolios based on risk profile - have any of you tried these? Did you find it useful? (Full disclosure: I work at INDMoney, so slightly conflicted, though I work more on US stocks and not MFs).

23mo ago

Hey is ind money safe for us stocks investment? Could anything like vauld go wrong? It says it stores stocks with drivewealth / alphasec are those safe?

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Mutual funds

Can anyone suggest some good mid-cap and small- cap mutual funds to invest in?

My goal is to grow my money. I am fine with high risk ones as well.

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ET Money genius review

Dear team , Please 🙏 suggest your review on et money genius service usage .

Is it worth using and paying up .

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1 year in first job, please help me assess and improve

I've completed 1 year in my first job. I've tried saving and investing some money, help me decide what I can do better:

Income: 22LPA

PPF: 3 Lakh EPF: 2 Lakh MF: 5 Lakh Saving Account: 4.5 Lakh

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1. All expenses are justified if you are disciplined with your savings and investing. Don’t miss out on present just ...