
Ethical conundrum

A few days ago, one of the senior folks used his influence to get latest 6 months data from the competition (who is kicking their ass). Shows the data to the CEO and other C level folks. Gets a broader audience too. Funny part: code of ethics clearly stated that no corporate espionage. Should I report to the board or someone anonymously or should I just ignore ? I am so pissed that I want to move on from this organisation.

24mo ago

Ahh! How was the data obtained? Was it through shady means or did he just get it by chance?

It’s definitely not a nice thing to do and can have repercussions


The person worked in the competition about a year ago.


Nobody gives a flying f about code of ethics. That is just corporate bs used to cover management's ass.
Everything is ok till you are getting sued for it with incriminating evidence


For you it might be a conundrum, for them it's just another day of the week.

The employee may get sued, but it's unlikely in India, risk is worth the upside.


Is this the same? Company Heard it on Grapevine: https://share.gvine.app/WD4t8bp2GwkuX7799


Looks like a mismatch between what’s taught in books vs what actually happens in real life.


The problem is that we are privy to so much strategic data that we can practically play spoilsport to the company's plan for growth by sharing the same if we join a competing company.

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