
EY Toxicity seems to be at the next level

A letter from the colleague of lady who died. This seems to be ultimate toxicity

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5mo ago

I had an offer from EY and ai choose to not go with them . They had 3 months notice period which got revealed only after offer issuance and no great hike. That HR git very angry when I denied offer and told me they will block me if they don’t join . I asked them If I don’t want to join now why would join in future . I think I dodged a bullet All this big 4 is crap only


I too had the same experience


Where is Narayan Murthy now who says youth should work 70hrs a week, what about work life balance, what about health.

Narayan Murthy is like you all need to work 70hrs so I make shit tons of money and live a long life while you die of overwork.


Rich people preach a lot


It's not just EY, This is happening most of the place


Not really. Most large size product based companies offer much better work culture. This kind of toxic culture is mostly in Service based companies and it exists even more in the Big4s and Banking firms (IBs).


Nope.. not every places. Fortunately I have only got that in 1 out of 5 org. So now I choose wisely. For few lacs I never compromise with my health and passion. Once in a while its ok but in bau then it better to leave asap


Why can't EY guys gang up and protest inside office+destroy all the office infrastructure+hold the Indian head/bad managers as hostages? How many security guards would be there to contain you all?

Or just resign. As long as EY pays you, it has your soul. This is India. There is no law enforcement here. It is the public which needs to enforce the law. It is time for a corporate revolution. No police or army would be called.

It is sickening to see that submissive EY weasels have no unity nor any balls. Pathetic losers. No wonder why Britishers (EY) were able to rule on Indians for so long.


who's gonna pay for iphone EMI if they do that?




This should be thrown in the face of EY India head, who has been going around giving stupid statements


My experience at EY was horrible. I put all my time and energy into my work and what did I get in return? Many health issues, including migraine which cannot be cured now. I get migraine attacks due to excessive work stress, work anxiety. Who is responsible?? - EY. Also, when I resigned, my manager said - okay thanks for confirmation. That's it. These creeps made the environment so toxic that I had to leave. and then my manager said we know why you are leaving. and then she said it's all professional nothing personal. I pray to god if karma exists, it ruins her life who gave me a lifelong trauma and then I will laugh and say - "It's all professional nothing personal". Fuck EY

This is true for a lot of companies and not just the big4. We need better labour laws and system wide changes.


This is why I always suggest prioritizing work-life balance over money.


So true, I was with EY for 1.5 years and that was too hell. An AM literally used to know and do nothing but only knew to boast and party around senior folks and exploit junior colleagues. I didn’t care much, thankfully I worked with a manager and it all went well which signified that I and he can’t works together so we were put in different teams. But very similar stories all across the organisation. I think they should seriously think about what are they doing



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