All features are good.
4 especially, long pending.
1 more feature, if it's already in your To Do List
Follow user, so if I like someone's post a lot!
I should get notified once s(he) post.
That doesn't mean I want to see the full timeline, that's debatable!
Also if photo quality can be restored as it's getting degraded.
Short Video may be 10s can be good not more than that, let's reduce the attention span further and might help when u monetise GV down the line
But applause, so far you guys have came.
DM speed loading like a snail to Agni 6 speed.
Photos and Gifs in comments.
Ratings over Play store improved.
Ideas like marketing over same persona platform clicked on.
Happy to see the slow and sustainable success.
Keep growing 💗 💗 💗