
Finding your behalf

I've been of the opinion that I don't want to marry and will enjoy life single. Turned 28 this year and for some reasons, my thoughts and perceptions changed and decided to give it a shot. Installed a matrimony app and didn't find much things happening there until I found a girl whom I thought I would give a try. I requested a match which got accepted very soon. Fast forward, it's been 2 months since we whastapped each other. The only thing bothering me is that she's working in audit and says that she's too busy for texts, calls etc. And over the course of this 2 months period, we only managed to call each other thrice(including 1 video call). I had asked her to atleast try to call me but she's too busy/ not feeling well/ tired etc. I really had feelings for her initially, but even after multiple attempts, she still keeps me waiting, I feel I'm slowly losing it and have reached a stage where i don't feel anything. What should I do? P.S. we live in different time zones with a difference of 1.5 hours and by the time I'm back from gym, it'll be 11-11:30 pm her side. I try to have food and everything very quickly and make time for her everyday, only to be disappointed most days. And most of her texts are scattered, with time gaps ranging from 10-16 hours at times. She tells me she's too exhausted and has no energy for anything but I am cent percent sure that she is using phone for insta, twitter etc even when my chats are waiting.

6mo ago

Went through this 5 yrs back. Best advise.. move on. Trust me when I say this even though it sounds like a movie quote, If someone is really interested and wanted to give it a try genuinely they would find time


I don't intend to blame her completely. She might be genuinely busy ..but, DO NOT belittle your own feelings and emotional needs.




There is a Golden quote about this- “Nobody is too busy in this world, it is all about priorities.”


Damn! 😩 That hits hard bro


Clearly you both have different priorities. You want a partner while she's focused on job.

My suggestion would be to move on and look elsewhere.


Already fed up with this matrimony game


Decide everything rationally first then take action. Marriage is beautiful journey so evaluate everything with the person who is going to be your spouse . What are your goals in marriage, what's your counterpart goals.


She's clearly focused on her career which I'm fine with. But I can't seem to digest this big4 shit that they don't seem to have a life outside work. Initially she told things will be fine by July end, but it's August and nothing changed


It's true that during due dates, auditors have a very packed schedule. There are days when I've seen my seniors work for 24 hours straight. I have another senior who's arranged marriage broke off post roka because he could not give enough time to the girl in order to build that bond before marriage.

But having said this, if someone is truly interested in you, they'll find a some time, some reason to kick off work and make things work. Even in the craziest schedule, I've seen my seniors and colleagues make time to check and have a proper conversation with their better halves.

If they don't do that, sorry to say but, i don't think it worth investing your emotions and time in this.

But this is a third party perspective. You should take a decision based on your gut feelings and facts of the circumstance. It's better to have a conversation with the girl about your feelings and emotions before concluding anything.

Marriage is a big step, take it wisely.


Hmm, still don't know why people are made to work like this.


Simple solution: Talk things out, point to point. Tell her, what you are thinking and listen to her, what she is saying. In this way, you can sort out your expectations as well and get to know where things are at.
If the other person is not interested in putting the efforts or making excuses, it's a well established sign to just stop making yourself available.
Because you will only make yourself vulnerable while the other person doesn't give a damn about how you are doing.
Tip: Get yourself busy with your own things. You have to be tit for tat at times so that people don't take advantage of your innocence and honesty. Not saying you have to be rude or something, just maintain your boundaries, In time, you will know if it's for you or not.
Parents or siblings ke alawa koi nhi hota jo tumhe apne liye itna available kre. Hard truth but for some of us it is like this.


In the meantime, she did visit few of her friends including a guy senior from her previous organisation (this was last week), told me that some random friends of hers is recovering from a heartbreak and is calling her for consolation etc. I never questioned any of these, but now I feel like an idiot.


@Gymrat means she is not interested otherwise she would have responded ontime

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You felt something,took a shot, didn't worked out, no worries, move on, someone else will come into your life.


Gym jaao, bench press maar

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