
This isn't even about equality because every menstruating person experiences periods differently. Some can run a marathon while on their period, while others can barely walk due to the amount of pain. It's sad to see some women completely dismiss this aspect in the name of equality. It's totally subjective and not for one person to decide for the entire group.


This is weird. Even as a dude I understand that period pain can be wildly different from person to person and some have to take medication just to keep the pain bearable. But women themselves are their worst enemy here, I have heard that women bosses are more dismissive of period leaves because in their opinion if they can Soldier on then so can their subordinates.


Actually, the fact that it is subjective makes more of a case against mandated period leaves . Those who can't work will make it difficult for other women who can, to get hired.

If an employer knows a man is working 26 days a month while a woman is working say 22-24 days a month after period leaves, employer will be incentivised to hire men over women.

This isn't just about period leaves, but female labour participation and employment at a macro level too.


She's a businesswoman, when it's her periods she will take a leave and no one will bat an eye while her househelp will obviously help her manage everything.

Speak of the women who work in her company, if it is possible she will also remove all leaves for her employees and dock pay for each day not worked.


Not really. Business people will have to attend emergencies at any cost.


This is spot on 💯. I'm sure if she's a regular employee, she would be far more willing to consider the idea


During the post-industrial era, the design of work structures primarily centered around men, overlooking the unique needs of women, who were less integrated into the workforce. Had men experienced monthly bleeding, leaves or accommodations of such nature would likely have been standard practice. The introduction of period leaves is essential to create a more inclusive workforce.


I have seen quite a few female friends who would refuse to take on painkillers or any medication for the pain and then tell me the pain is unbearable. The excuse is it might be bad for the body but the studies disprove it. More about self image of pain threshold. Why not just take the painkillers?

Coming to the leaves, yes period pains are bad for a few women and it will hurt them. But taking leaves would definitely mean less work/impact during the year - assuming your peers have same productivity- than the folks not availing the leaves. So is it a slippery slope? Next would the companies expected to give them preference in promotions and appraisals cos “they worked less days due to period leaves so less time to make an impact”? Or we just stop here? What about folks with autoimmune diseases? Or some pre-existing conditions which means they work through pain too?

There is no perfect solution i agree. But i do feel you can’t have it both ways. Give them leaves and then give them preference in work promotions. Also, should the leaves be mandatory?


Would you please share the study that says there are zero side-effects for pain killers? I would love to read it.


Honestly, this issue isn't black and white. She's taking a stand from the point of view of the greater good. She's going to face a lot of flak for it but hopefully the leaves arent going to be dismissed for people who really need it.


Maybe Aunty is evil and showing true nature. Ladkio ka 4 chutti ka salary bacha kar konsa uski company profitable ho jaegi, sudh saaf bakaiti kr rahi ye.

I know some girls take unpaid leaves, pain at times get to a level can't even sleep.


Classic example of "ek aurat hi aurat ki dushman hai"


Common Mamaearth L


Three words: 'A grade ch*tiya'


When I go through chats it seems many are venting and giving suggestions to men how they must behave. 🤔

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